Revolver Rani
You will love the movie or hate it. I loved it.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”small”]
Sai Kabir’s first film is good stuff, if you like comedy noir, Quentin Tarantino kind of films such as Kill Bill/ Pulp Fiction. “It presents a stylized vision of human nature, often preposterous and exaggerated beyond the “realism” of the drama.”
So what’s comedy noir? According to David Warfield- “Sexual deviance, death, stupidity, mental illness, brutality, murder: don’t you love ‘em? I do, but not in the form of earnest drama. I like my perversion with a double shot of truth, and hold the sentimentality. When it’s real smart and real funny and really offends the faint of heart, what do you call it? Until now it hasn’t had a proper name. I call it Comedy Noir.” Revolver Rani is the Bollywood instance of the meta genre of comedy noir.
Revolver Rani is a story of an “affair” between a gangster woman, a femme fatale, who has a dark past and an aspiring actor trying to create a bright future. And in the present, are the typical colorful Indian politicians with whom these two protagonists are forced to engage. Events unfold, and in the end there is no redemption, there is no sense of dispensation of justice, nor does one see that good has won over evil. The film doesn’t care about morality.
Kangana once again steals the show as she continues to secure her place in cinema. Rani of Queen, and Rani of Revolver Rani are two characters who couldn’t more far apart. The only thing common- a brilliant Kangana Ranaut. She’s arrived now if she already hadn’t.
Recall Uma Thurman and John Travolta’s famous and iconic two minute dance scene in Pulp Fiction. You will see one here between Kangana and Vir Das clearly inspired by the original although not quite as cool or sexy, but nice.
The film is technically good. The music very good, the camera movements mature and the narrative largely linear. Vir Das was also good I thought.
The ending of the film suggests that Sai Kabir is setting us up for a sequel. I hope that the film does well and there is Revolver Rani, Volume 2. Until then enjoy the shooting!